Our Ethics Policy
VID ONE is committed in conducting its business activities with integrity and upholding the highest professional and ethical standards in every aspect of its business. In order to do so, VID ONE has established a code of conduct and standards that it expects all its employees adhere to, as well as ensure that any other individual or groups that carry out activities on behalf of VID ONE also do so.
VID ONE shall demonstrate its ethics by religiously following the code of conduct as below:
- Integrity – VID ONE has zero tolerance approach towards any form of corruption, bribery and fraud. All of its employees and suppliers must share the same approach.
- Confidentiality of Information and Intellectual Property – VID ONE shall withhold and protect any information or intellectual property provided by the customer.
- Reliability & Consistency – VID ONE shall ensure that the quality of products and services are meeting the expectations of the customer.
- Diversity & Inclusion – VID ONE embraces and supports people of all background and maintains an environment free from any discrimination towards age, beliefs, race, sexual orientation and culture. VID ONE believes that retaining the best talent shall foster innovation and shall give a broader scope of bringing different solutions to its customers.
- Fair Treatment – VID ONE is committed in creating an environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. All employees are encouraged for active participation and to represent different perspectives.
- Safety and Health – VID ONE provides its employees with safe and stable working environment that ensures their safety and well-being. Suppliers must share the same commitment towards their own employees.
- Environmental Initiatives – VID ONE strives to utilize resources appropriately and efficiently, to recycle where possible and otherwise dispose of all waste in accordance with laws and regulations.

Our CSR Policy
As the manufacturing industry is evolving, the need for natural and man-made resources has increased. At VID ONE, we strive for high performance and recognize our responsibility towards the society we operate in. We view our corporate responsibility as a part of our business foundation, values and strategy which shall ensure that we meet the highest standards of ethics and professionalism. VID ONE categorizes its social responsibility as – Compliance and Proactiveness. Under compliance, the company shall demonstrate its commitment to legality and willingness to observe and practice community values. Under proactiveness, the company shall take initiatives to promote human rights and help the community by providing quality products and protect our natural environment.
HR Policy
VID ONE believes in providing equal opportunities for all employees and ensures that their human rights are protected. Therefore, the organization eliminates all discriminatory practices and promotes a work environment that is free from harassment, volience and intimidation.
The HR policy at VID ONE is defined as below:
- Humane Treatment – VID ONE monitors for signs of verbal, psychological or physical mistreatment, including coercion and threats to workers. Such actions shall in no way be tolerated in company leading to disciplinary action towards the employee at question.
- Forced Labor & Human Trafficking – VID ONE shall ensure that workers being hired have voluntarily agreed to all employment terms and are free to end their employment if and when they choose.
- Child Labor and Young Workers – Under no circumstance is it acceptable for child, forced or trafficked labor to be employed within operations at VID ONE or used in its the production. Moreover, VID ONE will remain vigilant about these issues and ensure that such instances shall also not occur in its supply chain.
- Non-Discrimination – VID ONE creates an atmosphere free of harassment and discrimination based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, pregnancy, religion or marital status on hiring.
- Grievance – VID ONE is aware that there may be times when employees need to file an official complaint about unjust treatment, harassment, and/or health and safety concerns in the workplace. VID ONE shall ensure that all of its employees are heard and treated equally.

Conflict Mineral Policy
VID ONE is alert of the increasing concern of the exploitation and serious human rights abuses associated with the extraction, transportation and trade of certain minerals originating from “covered countries” such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and surrounding countries that are helping to finance armed conflict characterized by extreme levels of violence. VID ONE has identified Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten and Gold commonly referred to as “conflict minerals” originating from conflict-affected and high-risk areas.
VID ONE is dedicated towards its corporate responsibility, respecting human rights in its own operations and in the supply chain it deals with. In order to do so, VID ONE shall comply with rules and regulations of Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act sanctioned by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and due diligence guidance for responsible sourcing of minerals, if required. However, VID ONE shall not willingly partake in sourcing minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas. By doing so, VID ONE will seek to identify, reduce and ultimately eliminate the use of conflict minerals in its streamline, if there are any, and that may directly or indirectly benefit armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and surrounding countries.
In order to aid our compliance:
- VID ONE shall carry out due diligence and work with their own upstream suppliers and supply chain to determine and trace back the source and chain of any products containing conflict minerals supplied to VID ONE.
- Auditing shall be performed by our internal audit team, to determine the robustness of our internal control processes which may also apply to outsourcing.
- VID ONE expects its suppliers to adopt policies with respect to conflict minerals consistent with its stance and also communicate their own policies and expectations down to their own sub suppliers.
- VID ONE believes in establishing and maintaining long-term relationships with suppliers whenever possible. However, if VID ONE determines that any supplier is, or a reasonable risk exists that it may be, violating this Policy, then VID ONE will require the supplier to commit to devise and undertake suitable corrective action to move to a conflict free source. If suitable action is not taken, VID ONE shall look for alternative sources for the product.
- VID ONE shall ensure that the above mentioned shall also reflect on their purchase orders for the suppliers to take consideration of and deliver any purchased minerals as per our requirements. Once the goods are delivered at VID ONE premises, an RI inspection shall be conducted to determine its source.